5 Responsibilities After A Workplace Injury | Workers’ Comp Chiropractor in Sun Prairie, WI
Hi, I’m Dr. Steph Pinnow from Noble Choice Chiropractic. And this video is talking to all about the responsibility that you have if you are injured in the state of Wisconsin.
Your 5 Responsibilities as an Injured Worker in Wisconsin
So there are five main responsibilities you have as an injured worker.
Number one is you have the responsibility to tell the employer ASAP, if an injury occurred, and when the injury occurred, this is something that’s very important, you do not want to delay on this at all, because that could cause issues later on not only in your healing, but also in your actual claim. So whenever it happened, make sure you tell them right away.
The number two responsibility that you have is a responsibility to submit to reasonable or necessary medical or surgical treatment, meaning that if you injured your low back, you can’t really receive compensation if you’re not actually treating that. So you actually have to make some sort of an effort and healing. The exception to this is if it’s a surgery that a side effect is endangering your life or your limb, you are not required to submit to that surgery.
The third responsibility is to submit to what is called reasonable examinations scheduled by the insurance carrier. This is also known as IME. What that is, is when you are being treated by a doctor, the insurance carrier will schedule a separate examination by an independent doctor to kind of check in on you and see how you’re doing with care and how you’re healing. They will make decisions based on this examination on if they are continuing to pay for care. So it’s very important that you get to those if you’re scheduled for the IME.
Fourth responsibility that you have is to make sure you are informing the insurance carrier, the insurance carrier of the employer, if you have any changes to your income or to your contact information. So if you are taking off work and you’re back to work, they need to know that they shouldn’t be paying you for time off anymore.
The fifth responsibility that you have seems very obvious, but it actually is stated is that you have to tell the doctors how you were injured. This will help with documentation. This will be important in making sure that you are diagnosed and treated properly. And that your claim is as complete as possible.
So there you have it, the five responsibilities that you have if you are involved in a work accident in Wisconsin. Thanks!